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Engine Yard Cloud
Engine Yard Cloud Troubleshooting Guide
- Monitoring and Alerting in Engine Yard
- Troubleshooting the Deployment Process in Engine Yard
- The Default Deploy Hooks in Engine Yard
- Understanding Backups, Snapshots, and Replication
- Working with Amazon RDS in Engine Yard
- Troubleshooting Database Issues
Getting Started with EngineYard
- Password and Access Management in EngineYard
- Unicorn vs. Puma vs. Passenger: Comparison of each App Server
- Engine Yard Cloud Introduced
- Engine Yard Technology Stack Update Policies
- Stacks compatibility matrix
- Video Tutorial: Set up an Account and Deploy an Application
Manage your Account
- Engine Yard Early Access
- Managing Multiple Logins
- Canceling your account
- About Accounts
- Before You Begin: Set Up Your AWS Account And User
- Securing your account with Two-Factor Authentication
Manage your Environment
- Understanding Risks and Limitations of Adding Exceptions to Your Firewall
- Create an Environment
- Use Cloud Storage with Engine Yard
- Encrypted EBS
- New Relic Infrastructure Agent
- Using Amazon Application Load Balancers
Manage Your Instances
- Creating a DB-only environment in Engine Yard
- Using Memcached with Ruby on Engine Yard Cloud
- Sizing Your Instances
- EY Instance Access Controls and Logging
- Modifying Instance Volumes
- Restarting an instance
Deploy your Application
- ey-core usage in Engine Yard Cloud
- How Your Ruby Code Is Deployed on Engine Yard Cloud
- Use Non-Ruby Deploy Hooks
- Using 'yarn' to manage NodeJS modules for assets compilation
- Using the nokogumbo gem on EYCloud
- Deploy a Webpacker app on Engine Yard Cloud
Manage your Database
- About Database Replica Promotion
- Access Your Database Remotely Through an SSH Tunnel
- Backup the Database
- Can I rename my database?
- Checking for Connections
- Copy database tables to/from different environments
Manage your IP Addresses
Work with SSH (Secure Shells)
Monitor your Application
- Introducing Weatherman: Your Engine Yard AI Assistant for Instance and Environment Alerts
- Filesystem Health Checks
- HAProxy Health Check
- Set up Application Monitoring
- Monitor Application Uptime
- View Performance Graphs
- Troubleshooting a Ruby Version Mismatch
- Troubleshooting PostgreSQL Service Start-Up Failures: Potential Permissions and Configuration Issues
- Troubleshooting MySQL Database Issues After Cloud Stack v7 Update
- Troubleshooting Deployment Failure Due to Gemfile and Gemfile.lock Mismatch
- Understanding and Resolving Frequent Logging of Requests in Passenger Log File
- The repository ' bionic-pgdg Release' does not have a Release file
- Upgrade Guide
- Instance and Stack EOL
- Use R3 Instances
- Use T2 Instances
- Use C4 Instances
- Use M4 Instances
- Blocking Subdomains via Nginx Configuration
- Customize Your Environment with Chef Recipes
- Custom Chef Recipes — Examples & Best Practices
- HTTP/2 is coming to Engine Yard
- Checking If Chef Recipe is Enabled
- Chef Recipes V4 vs V5/V6/V7
Migrate Applications
Engine Yard Ubuntu 20.04 (Stack v7)
Engine Yard Ubuntu 19.05 (Stack V6)
Engine Yard Gentoo 16.06 (Stack V5)
Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 (Stack V4)
Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 (Stack V2)
Billing & Compliance
- Understanding Your EngineYard Billing and Pricing
- How to Reduce Your Monthly Bill with Engine Yard
- Understanding Charges on Invoice After Account Cancellation
- Sister companies working with Engine Yard
- We can't pay by credit card. Can you invoice my company?
- My Accounting Department requires some additional information on invoices. How can I obtain/ view a detailed breakdown of my invoices?