How do I update my credit card information?

To update your credit card information, please follow the below steps:

  • Use the Payment Link near the bottom of your most recent invoice. (Either link will work, but if the invoice has already been paid, the first link will not work and you will need to use the second link.)
  • If using the second link, select the invoice then click "Make Payment" (if using the first link, skip this step.)
  • On the next screen, you can select you payment method in the dropdown box.  Please select "New Payment Method" and enter the details.
    • If you want this payment method to be used for automatic payment going forward, please check the box next to "I authorize Trilogy to save my payment method".
  • Finally, click "Process Payment".  This will charge your new payment method and save the details for future use.

Your new payment method should be successfully setup.  Please contact Support if you have any issues.



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