IP addresses are assigned when configuring environment instances.
For a single instance environment, the address is assigned to this instance. Engine Yard routes all incoming internet traffic to this instance.
When deploying a clustered architecture, the IP address is assigned to the application master instance. All incoming internet traffic is routed to this instance, which is then load balanced to your application slave instances with HAProxy.
This page describes:
Add an address
To add an address for new environments:
- Create an environment.
- Configure your instance(s) as needed.
- Under External Address select the IP address you want to attach to this environment.
- Click the Boot this Configuration button.
To add an address for stopped or non-running environments:
- Navigate to your environment in the Dashboard.
- Click the Boot button.
- Configure your instance(s) as needed.
- Under External Address select the IP address you want to attach to this environment.
- Click the Boot this Configuration button.
Detach an address
To detach an IP address:
- Login to your Engine Yard account.
- Click the IP Addresses menu item.
- Locate the IP address you want to detach.
- Click the Detach link.
The address is detached from the associated environment. You can now reuse the IP address and attach to another environment, or delete the IP address if you are sure it is no longer needed.
Attach an Address
You can move an unattached IP address to a different environment. The environment must be in the same region.
If you already have an environment in which to attach the IP address, then use the IP migration tool to assign the IP address.
If you do NOT have an existing environment in which to attach the IP address, you can use the copy environment tool to create a new environment. In the process of creating a copy, you can attach an IP address to the “new” environment.
Delete an address
There are special considerations to take when deleting an IP address from your account. Learn how to delete an IP address from your Engine Yard account.
Get more IP addresses for your account
Each Engine Yard account is initially allotted five IP addresses. You can request more by submitting a ticket with Engine Yard Support.
Note: The standard turnaround time for this is 3 - 5 business days.
How to assign an IP to a Utility Instance
For information on how to do this via the Engine Yard CLI, please see: Use the Instance Provisioning and IP Address Tools via the Engine Yard CLI
Assignment of EIPs to Utility Instances isn't something the UI supports at this time. You can either request that support handle such attachments for you, or you can make use the api again via:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.engineyard.v3+json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -H 'X-EY-TOKEN: xxxxxxxx' -X GET -d '{"ip_address":"xx.xx.xx.xx"}' https://api.engineyard.com/addresses/
Which will return the IP information from which you need to get the id
, to use in the url in the following call:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.engineyard.v3+json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -H 'X-EY-TOKEN: xxxxxxxx' -X PUT -d '{"server":"i-xxxxx"}' https://api.engineyard.com/addresses/xxxxx/detach
To find your API token, please see: Use the Instance Provisioning and IP Address Tools via the Engine Yard CLI
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