Convert Capistrano symlinks to Engine Yard Cloud symlinks

Ideally you’d be able to fully deploy your app from the Dashboard without Capistrano.

Example Capistrano recipe

Here’s an example of a common Capistrano recipes for symlinking folders:

after "deploy:update_code", "symlink_files" 
after "deploy:update_code", "symlink_geo_ip"

task :symlink_files do
%w(photo card).each do |folder|
path = "#{release_path}/../../shared/files/#{folder}"
symlink_path = "#{release_path}/public/#{folder}"
run "mkdir -p #{path}"
puts "Symlinking #{folder} folder"
run "rm -rf #{symlink_path}"
run "ln -sf #{path} #{symlink_path}"

task :symlink_geo_ip do
path = "#{release_path}/../../shared/GeoIPCity.dat"
symlink_path = "#{release_path}/db/GeoIPCity.dat"
puts "Symlinking GeoIP"
run "rm -rf #{symlink_path}"
run "ln -sf #{path} #{symlink_path}"


Using deploy hooks

To replace the above Capistrano recipes, we suggest using our deploy hooks to customize your application deployment when using the Dashboard or the CLI to deploy your code.

Before symlink deploy hook

Create a file $RAILS_ROOT/deploy/before_symlink.rb with these contents:


%w(photo card).each do |folder| 
run "echo 'release_path: #{release_path}/public/#{folder}' >> #{shared_path}/logs.log"
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/files/#{folder} #{release_path}/public/#{folder}"
run "echo 'release_path: #{release_path}/db/GeoIPCity.dat' >> #{shared_path}/logs.log"
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/shared/GeoIPCity.dat #{release_path}/db/GeoIPCity.dat"


Note: We use the “Release” path instead of “Current” because it hasn’t been symlinked yet.

Learn more about our Use deploy hooks.



By converting to deploy hooks, your application can now be deployed from the Dashboard without having to use Capistrano.

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