Deploy from Your Dashboard

You can (for Ruby, PHP or Node.js app) run a simple code deployment from your master branch, deploy your code, run migrations (only for Ruby app), or deploy code from another branch in your git repository.


  • You have created an Engine Yard account.
  • You have created an application in your account (Ruby, PHP or Node.js).
  • Your application environment is currently running.

Deploy your application

After you have completed the prerequisites, you can deploy your application (Ruby, PHP or Node.js). You should have new code committed to your git repository that is ready to be deployed. You have a few simple options when deploying your code:

To deploy code from your master branch (for any app)

  • Click the Deploy button.

    Click the deploy button for your application

To deploy code with migrations (only for Ruby app)

  1. Click Migrate? and enter your migration command.

  2. Click Deploy.

    Enter your migration command and click the deploy button for your application

To deploy code from another branch (for any app)

  1. Enter the branch name in the Ref text field.
  2. Click Deploy.

            Enter your branch name and click the deploy button for your application


Deployment status

During a deployment, the Deploy button is disabled and a status message is updated to reflect the current progress of your deployment. There are two possible outcomes when a deployment has finished:

  • Successful deployment. The status message reflects a successful deployment and timestamp.
  • Failed deployment. The status message reflects a failed deployment and timestamp. Click View Log to get a detailed trace of your deployment and where it has failed.

Other deployment options

The Dashboard provides a nice user interface to manage your deployments. However, sometimes it’s easier to deploy your application from a command line. Engine Yard Cloud has a command line interface (CLI) for this purpose.
For more information, see Deploy from the CLI.

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