New Relic Server Monitoring
While not offered as standard with our New Relic add on, if you have your own New Relic account and would like to make use of the server management option you'll need to install the New Relic Infrastructure Agent. We do have a Chef recipe for both the v4 and v5 versions of our stack to help with installation and configuration processes.
- You will need a New Relic provided license key for the infrastructure agent.
- You will be making use of Chef to make the customization. If you are new to working with Chef an introduction to using Chef on our v4 stack can be found here and if the environment is on the v5 stack you'll want to reference this article.
- If you have existing custom Chef recipes you will need a local copy of those. They can be retried by running a `ey recipes download -e EnvironmentName`
Steps to set up on a v4 environent
- You will need access to the newrelic_infra recipe. If your custom recipes do not already include this, you can clone this repository and then copy the newrelic_infra folder to your local recipes folder
- Update newrelic_infra/attributes/default.rb with the correct license key
- Add a 'include_recipe "newrelic_infra"' line to cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb
- Upload the recipes to the Engine Yard platform with `ey recipes upload -e EnvironmentName`
- To bring in the change and install and configure the agent run an apply from the dashboard or with `ey recipes apply -e EnvironmentName`
Steps to set up on a v5 environent
- You will need access to the custom-newrelic_infra cookbook. If your recipes do not already have this available you can clone this repository and then copy the custom-newrelic_infra folder into your cookbooks folder.
- Edit cookbooks/ey-custom/recipes/after-main.rb to contain a `include_recipe 'custom-newrelic_infra'` line
- Add a `depends 'custom-newrelic_infra'` line to cookbooks/ey-custom/metadata.rb
- Edit cookbooks/custom-newrelic_infra/attributes/default.rb to contain your license key
- Upload the recipes to the Engine Yard platform with `ey recipes upload -e EnvironmentName`
- Trigger a Chef run either via the apply button in the dashboard, or with `ey recipes apply -e EnvironmentName` to run the recipes that will install and configure the agent
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