Platform Architecture

The Engine Yard solution leverages open source technologies to automate the configuration, deployment and management of applications on multiple infrastructures. We provide SSO and security, API's for fine-grain control, infrastructure abstraction, and much more. With your applications running directly on the infrastructure (independently of our platform), your applications run even if our platform becomes inaccessible.

Engine Yard platform components includes:

  • Pre-integrated and pre-tested technology stacks for Ruby, PHP, and Node.js applications.
  • Third-party services from leading vendors and SaaS providers that provide additional application capabilities, such as application monitoring, email services, and continuous integration.


Note: Each customer gets its own private AWS account fully managed by EY. This allows detaching the customer's applications for EY own's backend components. It is also possible for customers to bring their own AWS accounts, but this requires vetting from Sales.

More information

This table provides other resources related to our platform.

For more information about... See...
Gentoo Technology Stack (Stack V5) Engine Yard Gentoo 16.06 Technology Stack
Engine Yard Ubuntu 19.05 Technology Stack (Stack V6) Engine Yard Ubuntu 19.05 Technology Stack

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