Engine Yard Release Updates June 2014

The updates described are either important (where you need to take action) or of interest (you might want to know about these changes but you don't need to do anything).

Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 stack upgrade

June 27th, 2014

Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 environment.

Note: For clarity, since we now have 2 Gentoo stacks, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI:


It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 (stable-v2) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This week's updates:

  • Resolves issue where changing the hostname on instances can cause Chef run to fail.
  • Fixes potential name clash with PostgreSQL's pg_database columns when checking if a database exists.

Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 stack upgrade

June 27th, 2014

Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 2012.11 environment.

Note: For clarity, since we now have 2 Gentoo stacks, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI:


It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 (stable-v4) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This week's updates:

  • Resolves issue where changing the hostname on instances can cause Chef run to fail.
  • Fixes potential name clash with PostgreSQL's pg_database columns when checking if a database exists.
  • Supports Magento applications without requiring a custom cookbook recipe.
  • Fixes 'invalid atom' warning found in log file when installing pg_top.

For more information on Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11, see the Engine Yard

Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 stack upgrade

June 19th, 2014

Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 environment.

Note: For clarity, since we now have 2 Gentoo stacks, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI:


It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 (stable-v2) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This week's updates:

  • Engine Yard has made the new AWS M3's the default family for new environments going forward. We hope this will encourage our customers to use the newer and more performant generations for new projects.
  • Updated the Elastic Load Balancing feature (in Early Access) to support cross-zone load balancing. Cross-zone load balancing allows each load balancer node to route requests across availability zones. This means requests will not be sent to an already over-loaded availability zone.

    Note: Only load balancers added after June 11, 2014 will have the cross-zone load balancing behavior. If you want the cross-zone behavior, then delete the old load balancer and create a new one. Load balancers added prior to June 11, 2014 use the round-robin method.

Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 stack upgrade

June 19th, 2014

Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 2012.11 environment.

Note: For clarity, since we now have 2 Gentoo stacks, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI:


It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 (stable-v4) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This week's updates:

  • Engine Yard has made the new AWS M3's the default family for new environments going forward. We hope this will encourage our customers to use the newer and more performant generations for new projects.
  • Updated the Elastic Load Balancing feature (in Early Access) to support cross-zone load balancing. Cross-zone load balancing allows each load balancer node to route requests across availability zones. This means requests will not be sent to an already over-loaded availability zone.

    Note: Only load balancers added after June 11, 2014 will have the cross-zone load balancing behavior. If you want the cross-zone behavior, then delete the old load balancer and create a new one. Load balancers added prior to June 11, 2014 use the round-robin method.

For more information on Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11, see the Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 docs.

Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 stack upgrade

June 13th, 2014

Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 environment. See important notes on the version update below for additional upgrade instructions.

Note: For clarity, since we now have 2 Gentoo stacks, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI:


It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 2009 (stable-v2) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This week's updates:

  • Updates Node.js to version 0.8.26.


    • You must redeploy your application to use this new version after upgrading.
    • You might also be required to update your {"engines": {"node": ...} } entry in your application's package.json file to allow access to the new version.
    • See https://www.npmjs.org/doc/json.html#engines for details.
  • Reliability fix for Node.js process handling when updating Node.js versions.

Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 stack upgrade

June 13th, 2014

Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 2012.11 environment. See important notes on each update below for additional instructions.

Note: For clarity, since we now have 2 Gentoo stacks, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI:


It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 (stable-v4) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This week's updates:

  • Updates Ruby to version 1.9.3.p547.

    Note: If you are currently using Ruby, you need to perform these steps to migrate correctly and safely to the updated version of Ruby.

  • Updates PHP to version 5.4.27 to resolve CVE-2013-6712, CVE-2014-1943, and CVE-2013-7345.

    Note: You must redeploy your application to use this new version after upgrading.

  • Adds Node.js support to the Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 stack, for versions 0.8.26 and 0.10.28.

    Note: Node.js on Gentoo 12.11 will initially support only the Nginx application server stack, which does not support web sockets. (A web-sockets capable solution will be forthcoming.)

For more information on Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11, see the Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 docs.

If you have feedback or questions about this page, add a comment below. If you need help, submit a ticket with Engine Yard Support.


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