Engine Yard Release Updates April 2013

The updates described are either important (where you need to take action) or of interest (you might want to know about these changes but you don't need to do anything).

Minor: Engine Yard Cloud stack upgrade

April 30th, 2013

Action: You automatically apply these changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your environment.

It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard stack regularly for the latest security and product updates.

  • Fixes CoffeeScript path issue by adding the default Node.js version's bin directory to the default user path.
  • Adds missing /etc/nginx/common/servers.conf in /etc/nginx/servers/#{app_name}.conf for Node.js apps.
  • Adds the instance ID as an inline comment in haproxy.cfg for improved debugging.
  • Silences email output from eix-sync cron job.
  • Updates AppFirst monitoring to v78, which includes bug fixes and improves memory processing.
  • Creates PEM file on instances for HAProxy SSL support. (Upcoming Limited Access.)
  • Fixes binary log purges in PHP environments. (Early Access release.)
  • Bumps Riak to version 1.3.1. (Early Access release.)

Major: Rails 4 support on Engine Yard Cloud

April 18th, 2013

Action: You can choose Rails 4 next time you add a new application.

We are happy to announce the General Availability of Rails 4. See our Rails 4 blog to learn about all the changes.

Note: Ruby 1.9.3 or greater is required.

Major: PHP support on Engine Yard Cloud Early Access

April 17th, 2013

Action: This is an optional Early Access release. No action required.

We are excited to announce the Early Access support for PHP on Engine Yard Cloud. This forms part of our ongoing commitment to deliver the industry's best Platform as a Service for PHP. The result of this effort will be a unified service offering for PHP, Node.js, and Ruby applications.

Note: You can use PostgreSQL, MySQL, or No Database options with PHP on Engine Yard Cloud. If you want to use MySQL 5.5, you need to also use the Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 Early Access feature.

For more information, see the doc: Use PHP with Engine Yard Cloud and the Engine Yard blog.

Minor: Engine Yard Cloud stack upgrade

April 17th, 2013

Action: You automatically apply these changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your environment.

  • Preparation for PHP on Engine Yard Cloud (Early Access).
  • Fixes env type issue that causes instance booting to fail with VPC-enabled environments in AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney, Australia, ap-southeast-2) and South America (Sao Paulo, Brazil, sa-east–1) regions.
  • Fixes PostgreSQL host-based authentication issues with VPC-enabled environments in AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney, Australia, ap-southeast-2) and South America (Sao Paulo, Brazil, sa-east–1) regions.

Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 Early Access stack upgrade

April 17th, 2013

Action: You automatically apply these changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 Early Access environment.

Now is a very good time to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 Early Access stack. Last week we bumped PostgreSQL. This week, we added more to keep up to date with all the activity this week.

  • Fixes a high-exposure security vulnerability in PostgreSQL.
  • Fixes other lesser security issues.
  • Upgrades PostgreSQL version to 9.2.4.

    You should update your PostgreSQL installations as soon as possible. For more information, see PostgreSQL 9.2.4 released and the Engine Yard PostgreSQL security fix release notes.

  • Preparation for PHP on Engine Yard Cloud (Early Access).
  • Fixes env type issue that causes instance booting to fail with VPC-enabled environments in AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney, Australia, ap-southeast-2) and South America (Sao Paulo, Brazil, sa-east–1) regions.
  • Fixes PostgreSQL host-based authentication issues with VPC-enabled environments in AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney, Australia, ap-southeast-2) and South America (Sao Paulo, Brazil, sa-east–1) regions.

For more information on Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11, see the Engine Yard Gentoo 12.11 Early Access docs.

Major: Rails 4 support on Engine Yard Cloud Early Access

April 12th, 2013

Action: This is an optional Early Access release. No action required.

We are happy to announce Early Access availability for Rails 4. See our Rails 4 blog to learn about all the changes.

Note: Ruby 1.9.3 or greater is required.

If you have any issues or questions about this Early Access feature, use the Early Access Feature Feedback forum.

Minor: Engine Yard Cloud stack upgrade

April 11th, 2013

Action: You automatically apply these changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your environment.

  • Raises an exception if you check the size of a volume that does not actually exist.
  • Removes forced restart on MySQL replica at stack upgrade time with Chef 10 (Limited Access).

Minor: Engine Yard Cloud user interface changes

April 11th, 2013

Action: None; these changes will appear in the UI automatically.

Soon you'll notice a new Application Language option when you create a new app, or edit an existing app:


Application configuration

The application page options change based on your language selection. For example:


  • If you chose Node.js, then you don't need Application Type.
  • Demo application is based on language.

Environment configuration

The environment page options also change based on your language selection. For example, if you chose Node.js:


  • Application Server Stack options are Node.js specific.
  • Runtime does not appear (because it is Ruby specific).
  • RubyGems does not appear (because it is Ruby specific).

Note: documentation updates related to these UI changes will be published next week.

Security: Engine Yard Cloud stack and PostgreSQL upgrade

April 4th, 2013

Action: You automatically apply these changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your environment.

Action: If you are running PostgreSQL, you are strongly urged to upgrade as soon as possible.

See PostgreSQL Security Vulnerability for instructions.

  • Fixes a high-exposure security vulnerability in PostgreSQL versions 9.0 and later.
  • Fixes other lesser security issues.
  • Upgrades PostgreSQL versions to 9.2.4, 9.1.9, and 9.0.13.

    You should update your PostgreSQL installations as soon as possible. For more information, see PostgreSQL 9.2.4, 9.1.9, 9.0.13 released.

Note: Your environment is not at risk; however we strongly encourage you to upgrade as this release contains several security patches and fixes. By default, Engine Yard does not open database ports to the outside world; only instances inside the same environment can use them and your application environment is locked down using AWS Security Groups.

For customers on 9.0.x: The 9.0 builds of PostgreSQL were offered exclusively through a Limited Access (alpha) program. The upgrade process for these hosts requires additional steps. You will be receiving a separate communication on this shortly. We recommend waiting until you receive this communication before proceeding with this update.

If you have feedback or questions about this page, add a comment below. If you need help, submit a ticket with Engine Yard Support.


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