Set Up Your Application and Environment

This guide assumes that you have already signed up for an Engine Yard account. If you have not yet done so, go ahead and get started now at Engine Yard Cloud.

Application information

When you first sign up, you need to configure your first application.


We need to have your Git Repository URI to checkout your code and deploy it to the instance. If you are using GitHub, you can find your git repository URI by:

  • Clicking the drop-down for 'code'
  • Click SSH, and then 'copy to dashboard' button (see outlined button below)


Note: It is important to select SSH when referencing a private repository;

We will try to guess a good name for your application from the git URI. If we choose poorly, please enter a better name.

Application Type: Select the framework your application code uses. If you don’t know which framework to select, ask the application developer. If you used the sample ToDo application, select Rails 3. Engine Yard Cloud sets default configuration values for you based on the framework you select.

Tip: Most modern applications work well by selecting Rack, including Sinatra and Rails 3; simply select Rack and everything will work. If you are using an older framework, please select the appropriate one.

Set up a git deploy key

If you use a private repository, set up your git deploy key. Engine Yard automatically generates a deploy key for applications with private repositories.

To set up a git deploy key

  1. On the dashboard, application page, click the Deploy Key link.

    The Git Deploy key appears for your application.

  2. Copy the git deploy key.

  3. Add the git deploy key to your github repository.

    See github:help for how to add a deploy key.

Environment information

Next we need to ask a few questions about the environment where your application will run.


For help completing this page, see Environment options.

Boot your environment

The final step is to select the servers you need to boot for this environment.

  • Single Instance: If this is a staging environment without strict uptime requirements and you don’t expect to grow in the future, select a single instance environment.

  • Staging Configuration: For non-production environments, a staging config gives you room to expand in the future and also allows us to implement takeovers if your application master server goes down.

  • Production Configuration: For production environments, the production config is recommended. It provides for future app growth and includes a database replica (slave) in case your database goes down.

  • Custom Configuration: If your needs cannot be met by the pre-configured options above, select custom config to suit your unique environment.

Where to go from here

You can set up various Internet and networking technologies.

Learn more about the different types of instances available to you, including application, utility, and database instances.

If you have feedback or questions about this page, add a comment below. If you need help, submit a ticket with Engine Yard Support.


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