The updates described are either important (where you need to take action) or of interest (you might want to know about these changes but you don’t need to do anything).
Minor: Engine Yard stack upgrade
February 24th, 2012
The following changes have been made to the Engine Yard stack:
- For Rails 3 applications that use MySQL, database-adapter detection has been improved to prevent deployment errors related to the database gem.
- Upgraded JRuby to 1.6.7 from 1.6.6.
- Fixed a problem related to the PostgreSQL server restarting after configuration changes; the PostgreSQL server now reloads after configuration changes.
These changes are applied when you upgrade your environment.
Minor: Engine Yard stack upgrade
February 15th, 2012
The following changes have been made to the Engine Yard stack:
- An enhancement has been made to the eybackup tool for PostgreSQL 9.1. (An error message displays if you try to restore a database that has active connections.)
- Fixed an issue where new environments failed to deploy with PostgreSQL 9.1 if backups were disabled.
- Fixed the problem of unintentional Sphinx upgrades after MySQL upgrade to 5.1 or 5.5.
These changes are applied when you upgrade your environment.
Minor: Layout changes on the Dashboard
February 14th, 2012
Three layout changes have been made to the Engine Yard Cloud Dashboard:
- Server Tools are now on a drop-down menu.
- Quick links to Support and Documentation have been added.
- Alerts and notifications now appear on the right (not at the top).
For more information, see Visual Enhancements to the Dashboard.
Fixes: Engine Yard stack upgrade
February 10th, 2012
The following fixes have been made to the Engine Yard stack:
- A problem with HAProxy configuration in very large (more than 50 application instances) environments.
- Two minor changes to SSL behavior (stunnel) in order to improve performance.
These fixes are applied when you upgrade your environment.
Minor: JRuby upgrade
February 7th, 2012
Upgraded JRuby to 1.6.6 from 1.6.5. This upgrades RubyGems to 1.8.15 from 1.8.9.
Major: PostgreSQL 9.1 is now available with Beta support
February 2nd, 2012
PostgreSQL offers stability, robustness, and an attractive feature set.
PostgreSQL 9.1 offers some exciting new features over the 9.0 feature set. For more information about these features, see PostgreSQL 9.1 is now in Beta.
For information about upgrading getting started with or upgrading to PostgreSQL 9.1 on Engine Yard Cloud, see Use PostgreSQL 9.1 with Engine Yard Cloud.
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