Engine Yard Release Notes for November 5th, 2019 (Stack V6)

Note: As of this release the stable-v6 Stack has now reached General Availability and can be used by all customers.

Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Stack V6 environment.

Note: For clarity, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Ubuntu 19.05 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI: stable-v6-1.0.23


It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Ubuntu 19.05 (stable-v6) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This update:

  1. Fixes an issue with missing performance metrics. (PR - https://github.com/engineyard/ey-cookbooks-stable-v6/pull/145)
  2. Sets the default memory limit of passenger-v5 to 250MB (Important! See below how this change affects your applications)(PR - https://github.com/engineyard/ey-cookbooks-stable-v6/pull/138)
  3. Documents settings via environment variables. (PR - https://github.com/engineyard/ey-cookbooks-stable-v6/pull/139)

  4. Adds detailed logging to swap partition creation. (PR - https://github.com/engineyard/ey-cookbooks-stable-v6/pull/140)

This update is going to affect customers using passenger with the default memory limit set. Please open a support ticket if you notice an increase in passenger workers' kills. More information can be found on the article Passenger and memory limits on Engine Yard

This release is based on a new AMI, version ey-ubuntu-


  • Installed latest package updates.
  • Added support for Ruby with jemalloc.
  • Removed hardcoded package versions.
  • Installed Ruby 2.6.5, 2.5.7, and 2.4.9.
  • Installed Node.js 8.16.2 and 10.17.0.
  • Remove collectd RRD data directory during AMI build.

For more information on Engine Yard Ubuntu 19.05, see the Engine Yard Ubuntu 19.05 docs.



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