Engine Yard Stack Release Notes for October 31st, 2017
Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 stack upgrade
Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 environment.
Note: For clarity, since we now have 2 Gentoo stacks, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI: stable-v5-3.0.33
It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 (stable-v5) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This week's updates:
- Adds support for timezone controls to PostgreSQL
- Adds support for Postgres versions 9.5.7 and 9.6.3
- Adds cookbooks support for RDS databases and users (available for Beta)
- Adds support for logical backups of RDS databases
- Adds automatic database engine detection based on the environment DNA
- Updates the elasticsearch recipe to support multiple utility instances named "elasticsearch" instead of using elasticsearch_1, elasticsearch_2, etc.
- Fixes security exceptions when starting Solr
- Adjusts the DelayedJob default monit timeout so that it is longer than the dj script timeout
- Adds HTTP/2 support
NOTE: You need to upgrade Nginx to version 1.12.1 or later to use HTTP2. Please open a Support ticket if you need assistance with this
For more information on Engine Yard Gentoo 2016, see the Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 docs.
Engine Yard Stack Release Notes for October 9th, 2017
Minor: Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 stack upgrade
Action: You apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 environment.
Note: For clarity, since we now have 2 Gentoo stacks, we refer to this stack as the Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 stack. You can access it by using the Stack select field in the Environment UI: stable-v5-3.0.32
It's best practice to upgrade your Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 (stable-v5) stack regularly for the latest security and product updates. This week's updates:
- Updates Passenger to version 5.1.8. This version fixes a number of bugs, and is backwards-compatible with Passenger 5.0.29. If you need to stay on Passenger 5.0.29, you can override the Passenger version by following the instructions here: https://github.com/engineyard/ey-cookbooks-stable-v5/wiki/Customizing-Your-Environment-Using-Overlay-Chef-Recipes
- Updates sudo package to address multiple vulnerabilities
- Updates the cron recipe to allow the use of keywords "all", "util", "app" and "db" apart from instance name.
NOTE: Our chef recipes do not restart Passenger, as doing this in a chef run can result in a simultaneous restart across all application instances, causing downtime. However, a restart is needed to run the newer Passenger version. To restart Passenger, please run "sudo monit restart passenger_APPNAME_8000"
on all app instances. We recommend doing this on a staggered basis to avoid downtime.
For more information on Engine Yard Gentoo 2016, see the Engine Yard Gentoo 2016 docs.
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