Download the Kontainers CLI Tool


This article will guide you in downloading and installing the Engine Yard Kontainers (EYK) CLI Tool on Mac, Linux, and Windows operating systems.

The current version of the CLI tool is 1.0.5.  Executing eyk --version will tell.  If your cluster was created after April 6th, 2021 then that's the version you should definitively be using.


Download and install the EYK CLI tool for your OS:


Open your CLI and execute the following to download and run the installation script:

  1. $ curl -ssl | bash


Note: the Windows version is provided as a courtesy, and no longer maintained.  We highly recommend installing the Linux version using the Windows Subsystem for Linux.  Instructions on setting it up can be found here.

Use your browser to download the script, then use PowerShell to install it:
Navigate to:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell: Click Start and type PowerShell, then press ENTER
  2. Run the script in PowerShell: <PATH>/eyk-installer.ps1
    Example: C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\eyk-installer.ps1
    The expected response is:
    The EYK CLI (eyk) is now available in your system's path. 

    To learn more about Engine Yard Kontainers, execute:

          $ eyk --help


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