Adding an S3 Bucket to a Kontainers Application


If your Application has storage requirements you can add an AWS S3 (Simple Storage Solutions) Bucket in the Engine Yard Kontainers Web Console. Creating a new Cloud Storage bucket is simple using the EYK Web Console and can be used as the destination for your Application's storage. After creating the bucket, collect the Regional Hostname from the Cloud Storage page and incorporate it into your application.


  1. Login to the EYK Web Console
    • You will arrive on the Applications page:
      1. Click on the Resources drop-down at the top of the page
      2. Click on Cloud Storage

    • You will arrive on the Cloud Storage page:
      1. Create Cloud Storage: Click this button to create a new Cloud Storage bucket

    • You will arrive on the Add Cloud Storage page:
      1. Cluster: Select the Cluster where you want the S3 Bucket to reside, which is the same Cluster as the Application you want to connect to the bucket
      2. Cloud Storage Name: Enter the name that you want to use for the S3 Bucket
      3. Create Cloud Storage: Click this button to create the bucket

    • You will return to the Cloud Storage page:
      1. Cluster: Cluster where the S3 Bucket is deployed
      2. Name: Name of the S3 bucket that you assigned
      3. Regional Hostname: Copy the Regional Hostname to use in your application when you need to access the bucket
      4. Actions: Click the View button to open the Details page for your S3 Bucket

    • You will arrive at your Bucket's Details page:
      1. Regional Hostname: URL of your S3 bucket
      2. Region: The AWS Region where the bucket is deployed
      3. Access Key ID: The S3 Access Key ID is not revealed in the interface, but can be copied to your clipboard using the copy icon to the right
      4. Secret Access Key: The S3 Secret Access Key is not revealed in the interface, but can be copied to your clipboard using the copy icon to the right
      5. Canonical Name: The CNAME assigned by AWS to your S3 bucket
      6. ARN: This is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to your S3 bucket

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