Engine Yard Platform Release Notes for November 29th, 2018

Action: None. The changes take place upon deployment of the Engine Yard backend.

This week's release includes the following fixes: 

  • Prevent ELBs from being re-assignable across different EY/AWS accounts associated with the same EY user.
  • Support Engineers now can create ALBs without needing to be a collaborator on the customer's account.
  • Fixed sizing issues of autoscaling groups when created in AWS with a minimum size greater than the current instance count.
  • Added "No Network" option to Networks selection on Environment Edit page to make current network attachment status clearer.
  • Corrected logic for Classic Load Balancers page to ensure that ELBs in Default-VPCs at AWS can be associated with Environments in the same Default-VPC without requiring those Environments to have the Network assigned.


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