When you push your application code to an Engine Yard Kontainers (EYK), a Release is created that is deployed to all containers in that application. This version of the code becomes the latest Release and can easily be rolled back to a previous version from the Releases tab on the EYK Web Console. The Releases tab provides a list of all application releases =.
Managing Your Releases
The steps below assume you have Deployed an Application with Kontainers and have pushed more than one version of your Code.
- Login to the EYK Web Console
- You will arrive on the Applications page:
- Click on the Application Tile of the Application that you want to Manage Releases for
- Click the Releases tab at the top
- On the Releases tab:
- List of Releases: View the Releases that have been pushed to EYK
Rollback to version: Rollback to a previous Version of your code by selecting the Version Number from the drop-down that corresponds to the Release Version Number you want to Rollback to, then click the Rollback button
After clicking the Rollback button and confirming that you want to proceed, the system will create a clone of the selected Rollback Version and deploy it as a new version. The new Version will appear at the top of the List of Releases and the rolled back application will be available as soon as the deployment is complete.
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