Managing Applications in Kontainers Web Console


The Kontainers Web console provides a web interface where you can manage all of the applications you have deployed. This article will introduce you to the Kontainers Web Console and the Application Dashboard, where you can get details about your Application as well as Stop, Restart, or Delete it. Other Application Management tabs are covered in the articles that follow.

Using the Web Console to Manage Applications

Applications Page

The Applications page of the EYK Web Console provides a list of all of the Applications that you have created in EYK. Each Application is shown on a tile that provides basic information. Clicking on a tile will open the Application's Dashboard where additional details and settings can be found.

  1. Login to the EYK Web Console
  2. You will arrive on the Applications page after logging in
  • On this page you will find the following details:
  1. Applications: Shows you how many Applications you have created in EYK
  2. Application Tile: Each Tile provides basic information on an Application

  • On each Application Tile you will find the following details:
    1. Application Name: The name you assigned when you created the app
    2. Last Edited: Date that the last modification was made
    3. Region: Physical location where the app is deployed
    4. Owner: User Name of the person who published the app
    5. Cluster: Name of the Cluster that the app is deployed on
    6. Domain: URL of the app
    7. Containers: Number of Containers that the app is deployed on
    8. Releases: Number of Releases that have been pushed for this app

    Clicking on an Application Tile will open the Application's Dashboard

    Application Dashboard

    The Application Dashboard provides granular details about the Application and allows you to Stop, Restart, and Delete your Application.

    1. After clicking on an Application Tile, you arrive on the Application's Dashboard
    • On this page you will find the following:
    1. Visit: The Visit button provides a link to your Application
    2. Proc Types: Displays the number of Process Types that have been defined within your Application's Procfile
    3. Containers: Displays the number of Containers that the app is deployed on
    4. Releases: Displays the number of Releases that have been pushed to EYK for this app
    5. STOP: This button will Stop all running instances of your app
    6. RESTART: This button will Restart all running instances of your app
    7. DELETE: This button will Delete the app from EYK

  • Cluster Tile: Provides details about the Cluster where your app is deployed
    1. Name: Name of the Cluster
    2. CLI Login: Provides the command line needed to login to the EYK CLI Tool
    3. Controller: Provides the URL of your Application's EYK Controller, which is the BlueFin Cloud central management system that manages all of your Containers
    4. Region: Displays the name of the AWS Region 

  • App Information Tile: Displays information about the app
    1. Owner: Username who pushed the application
    2. App: Displays the name of the app
    3. Created: Date and time that the app was created
    4. Updated: Date and time that the app was updated

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