Engine Yard pricing changes - March 2024

What's Changing?

Monthly Plan: If you choose a monthly plan, please be aware that starting from March 1st, 2024, your support plan will see a price increase of 45%. This adjustment is necessary to align with our increased service costs and to continue enhancing our offerings. Standard support will be the only support option on the monthly plan.

Annual Plan: Understanding the impact of this change, we're excited to offer an alternative that could not only keep your costs flat and allow you to lock in multi-year pricing but also simplify your billing process. All support levels are available under this mode.

Single support level: Moving forward, you will be required to choose a single support level for your entire account. You will no longer be able to mix different tiers for separate environments.


What You Need to Do:

To take advantage of the annual plan option and lock in your current rate, please email us at customersuccess@engineyard.com by March 15th, 2024. If we do not hear from you within this timeframe, your account will automatically be updated to standard support level plus a 45% increase in your next billing cycle.

We understand that changes like these can be significant, and you may have questions or need further clarification. Please feel free to reach out to us at customersuccess@engineyard.com, and our dedicated team will be more than happy to assist you.


Next Steps:

To Continue with Monthly Plan and Standard Support: No action is required. Your account will automatically update to the new pricing in your next billing cycle.

To Switch to Annual Plan: Please email us at customersuccess@engineyard.com by 15 March 2024 indicating your preference for annual billing and preferred support plan (Standard, Gold, Platinum).


Frequently asked questions:

How much will my annual plan cost?

By switching to an annual plan, you will be billed an annualized price based on your average usage for the last three months, adjusted to your new support plan.


Can you show me an example of how this will work?

Your current plan setup:

Item # of instances Monthly cost Annualized cost
Platinum Support 8 $3,600  
Standard Support 4 $720  
Infrastructure and maintenance 12 $4,200  
Total 12 $8,520 $102,240


Moving to Annual Platinum:

Item # of instances Monthly cost Annualized cost
Platinum Support 12 $5,400  
Infrastructure and maintenance 12 $4,200  
Total 12 $9,600 $115,200


Moving to Annual Standard:

Item # of instances Monthly cost Annualized cost
Standard Support 12 $2,160  
Infrastructure and maintenance 12 $4,200  
Total 12 $6,360 $76,320


Moving to Monthly Standard:

Item # of instances Monthly cost Annualized cost
Standard Support 12 $3,132  
Infrastructure and maintenance 12 $4,200  
Total 12 $7,332 $87,984


What happens if I need to increase my usage on an annual plan?

If your plan needs to grow in total instances and size we will implement a quarterly catch-up payment, plus an amendment to your existing commitment to cover the difference between your increased usage and the initial benchmark usage calculated at the start of the payment term.


If I choose an annual plan, how often will I be billed?

You will be billed once a year for the annual plan


What happens to my support plan?

All support plans will be replaced with Standard, Gold and Platinum. Standard will have monthly and annual alternatives, Gold and Platinum will only be annual.

These are the updates to the exiting support plans:

  • Premium: This plan remains, it has just been renamed to Gold
  • Solo and Basic: These plans are no longer available, they will be automatically updated to Standard


Why am I being charged more?

This adjustment is necessary to align with our increased service costs and to continue enhancing our offerings.


What will happen to my infrastructure and maintenance costs?

Infrastructure and maintenance costs will not go up, only support costs.


What if I want to cancel mid-year?

If you move to annual pricing that would create a 12 month commitment, if you cancel sooner than 12 months you will not be refunded the prepaid amounts.


What are my payment options to continue using EngineYard?

To Continue with Monthly Payments: No action is required. Your account will automatically update to the new pricing in your next billing cycle.

To Switch to Annual Payments: Please email us at customersuccess@engineyard.com by 15 March 2024 indicating your preference for annual billing and support option.


When does this go into effect?

All usage starting March 1st, 2024.


Who can I contact to talk more about this?

Please feel free to reach out to us at customersuccess@engineyard.com, and our dedicated team will be more than happy to assist you.


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