Engine Yard Release Notes for January 30th 2023 (Stack stable-v7-1.0.13)

Release Version:stable-v7-1.0.13


Action: Apply the following changes the next time you click the Upgrade button for your Engine Yard Stack V7 environment.




Note:  Environment running MySQL version 5.7 should consider upgrading to this release. 

  1. Migrated Datadog Recipe to v7, initially supporting logs MySQL (PR:#166)
  2. Add status reporting in some recipes. (PR:#175)
  3. Update ey-postgres recipe to support higher versions selected on the UI.  (PR:#172)
  4. Fix and issue where MySQL Slave-relay log was removed by chef, thus breaking replication. (PR:#171)
  5. Fix for ClamAV cronjob not running, or running multiple times. (PR:#170)
  6. Add support for configuring ClamAV cronjob using environment variables. (PR#176)
  7. Add support for instance type R6a. (PR#178)



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